Apart, but Together


We set out within moments of each other …

... one on foot, one on two wheels. Both heading for the hills. One foot after the other; pedal stroke follows pedal stroke. Eating up the yards. Following signs, letting the road unfurl before us.

Onwards. Upwards …

Different aiming points, but the same motivation. Up and out. Breathe the fresh air; take in the views; at home in the outdoors.

Onwards, upwards …

Treelined ways. The sounds of wind through leaves. The sound of wind whistling in our ears. Higher still. Nothing is still. Constant motion. Seeking the high ground. Searching out the lakeside pause. A swim for one; a fuelling point for the other.

Onwards. Upwards …

Turning for 'home'. Far enough; the return leg. One foot after the other; pedal stroke follows pedal stroke. Finding the cadence; seeking the rhythm which will draw us closer to the brow of that hill. It's all downhill from here. Against the wind; whistling in the ears. Head down ... pushing on. Warming the body, warming the soul.

Onwards …

The end is in sight. The familiarity of the van. The lure of the showers. Who's back first? That wave of welcome. Stories to be told. Sharing our experiences.

Apart, but together

Words by Barrie Thomson


Imagining It Into Being


The Rising Tide