

I wonder - aloud, tentatively - whether butterflies get nervous.

Towards the end of the two weeks they spend in the chrysalis, do they start to wonder what the world they are about to emerge into is like?

Maybe the butterflies get a little anxious.

Wondering to themselves about putting off the moment. Perhaps, just a few more days with wings wrapped comfortingly around themselves? Hidden inside the protective shell of familiarity; not having to deal with the uncertainty of a world that is potentially so different from that which they first imagined.

If butterflies get anxious, how do they deal with the nerves?

Do they tell themselves reassuringly that they are equipped to deal with the world as they find it. Their colourings and characteristics will blend in; their bright spots will draw them to the attention to those of like-mind and spirit.

Yes, perhaps that's exactly what the butterflies think.

We imagine their emergence into a whole new world will be just fine; we're optimistic that they'll adapt and thrive.


Postcards from France


Portugal - Tides and Tiles