Kindness Lives in Water

Writing for The Encouragement Manifesto is a remarkable gift of generosity, of course. It is a contribution to a wider community for no return. To write for the Manifesto requires a leap of faith from often underconfident folk (all of whom have every reason to be confident about their words and the emotions expressed through them); the leap of faith requires trust that their words will be cared for, well-received and shared in the spirit they were offered. There is also a question of timing; the time must be right for the person doing the writing. We are always willing to wait for the right moment. The reward for doing so is illustrated perfectly in this gorgeous poem by Kate O’Loughnan

Kindness Lives in Water

Kindness lives in water

amidst our banks of clay

currents of connection

of sky and land and sea and day and night


endless whirlpools

offering and receiving

life lessons in swimming and looking into mirrors

if only we allow ourselves

to learn


easier to give and give and give;

yet another to recover

our own source of



rain and earth

found in eyes and smiles

we shake and remake the stories of our years;

meandering, stilling, crossing, streaming,


can you hear the sounds of water?

can you feel it on your skin?

can you know the source of your own beauty?


Oh listen -

listen in


Walk This Way


57 Books: The List